8 days/7 nights full board


Arrival in Bucharest, greeted at the airport and transfer to the hotel. City tour with the Arch of Triumph, Parliament Palace, Victoria Avenue, Royal Palace, today the Museum of National Art, the impressive Military Academy, University and Revolution Square and the Romanian Athenee. Dinner at ‘Count Dracula’ Restaurant, where in a mysterious atmosphere, you will taste Dracula specialities. Night in Bucharest in a charming hotel situated in the town-centre.


Morning route to Târgoviște, ancient capital of Wallachia. Visit vestiges of the first princely court, built by Mircea cel Bătrân, Dracula’s grandfather. Later in the history, Dracula had the ‘Tower of the Setting Sun’, built as a place of telling time. Continue to Curtea de Argeș, second residence to the Princes of Wallachia (1369-1418), to visit the princely church built by Prince Basarab the 1st in 1340, and the Episcopalian church, resting place of the Romanian royal family. A few kilometres away, ascend 1468 steps to visit the Poienari Citadel, residence of Vlad Tepeș built to keep Ottoman invaders out. Situated on the peak of the mountain, it gave a panoramic view of Vidraru Dam and Făgăraş Mountains. Passage to Transylvania through the famous Transfăgărășan Route which offers unique views. Coffee-pause to admire the landscapes of Bâlea Glacier Lake. At the end of the afternoon, arrival at Sibiu, one of the most ancient cities of Transylvania, European Capital of Culture in 2007. During its reign, Dracula has had important commercial relations with this city. Dinner and accommodation at Sibiu in a hotel in the town centre.


In the morning, visit on foot Sibiu with its Large and Small Square, the Evangelic Church, Bridge of Lies and Bruckenthal Palace, one of the baroque monuments the most important in Romania, which became museum in 1817. Then, route to Hunedoara, where you will find one of the most impressive castles in Transylvania: Matei Corvin’s Castle, sumptuous residence but also an important strategic point. Evening arrival to Alba Iulia, spiritual capital of Romania, where the Unity of Romania was proclaimed on the 1st of December 1918. Medieval dinner and accommodation at a hotel in the town centre.


After breakfast, visit the citadel of Alba Carolina, in a Vauban style and the Unity Cathedral. Continue to visit the Salt Mines of Turda, the most impressive in Romania, exploited from Roman times and renovated after 2009. Continue to Cluj Napoca, important academic and cultural centre, multi-ethnic city where Romanians, Hungarians and Germans live. Visit the ruins of the ancient city of Napoca, Saint Michael Cathedral, Municipal Theatre and the Orthodox Cathedral. At the end of the after-noon, arrival at Bistriţa, entrance to the authentic Dracula domain. In effect, in Bram Stoker’s famous novel, it is in this city that Jonathan Harker has stopped for the night before continuing to Count Dracula’s Castle. Short visit of the city with its 14th century gothic cathedral and 15th century boutiques named ‘Sugalete’. Afterwards, passage to the mysterious village of Prundu Bârgăului, situated in Tihuta River Valley, where Coppola has chosen to film the movie ‘Dracula’. ‘Dracula’ evening around a camp fire and accommodation at the castle of the famous Count. In the Coppola movie, it is here where he meets his death. Despite that, his spirit will never find peace. We do not exclude the fact that you might find him in returning to the corridor…


Morning passage to Vatra Dornei, thermal city with a perfume of the belle époque. Then, go across, through the spectacular Bicaz Gorges to the Red Lake, accidentally created 200 years ago. At the end of the day, arrival at Sighişoara, fortress-city which bears the mark of the bloody count. It is a charming city of Germanic influences, with its beautiful medieval citadel classified as a UNESCO Heritage Site, one of the best preserved in Europe. Medieval dinner at Restaurant ‘Vlad Dracul’, the birth place of Prince Vlad the Impeller. Accommodation at a small hotel in the corner.


Morning guided visit through Sighişoara with the famous Clock Tower, which hosts today the town’s History Museum. Then, route to Braşov across an authentic country which vibrates of traditional peasant life with horse driven carts. You will pass the superb Saxon villages, like the Viscri Village, built between hills and protected by its fortified citadel, UNESCO monument. After some time, the villages have become famous because of Prince Charles, amateur of the authentic rural life, who has established a ‘refuge’ in Romania. Arrival at Braşov, medieval village known as the city of merchandisers and artisans. Traditional dinner at Poiana Braşov, 12 km away from the city. Accommodation in Braşov at a charming hotel.


Morning visit to the historic centre of Braşov, colonised 800 years ago by the Prussians. Tours to the Black Church, built from 1385, which dominates the old city; it is the biggest church between Istanbul and Vienna. Visit the Schei quarter, the only quarter where Romanians where authorised to live centuries ago, the Saxons disposing of the major part of the city. Then, departure to Bran, to visit the most famous castle in Romania, built in 1377, which belonged at some point in its history to Prince Vlad the Impeller. After losing the throne of Wallachia, he would stay, to defend this part of Transylvania. But this mysterious and romantic castle of the Habsbourg, has above all, an interesting charm. Then, route in the Carpathians to Sinaia to visit Peleş Castle, ancient royal residence of the Hohenzollerns in Romania, home to a rich collection of furniture, precious tapestries, arms and armours. Return to the capital, farewell dinner and overnight in a charming hotel.


Morning visit to the historic centre. The Romanian capital funded in 1459 by Vlad the Impeller, has not known its true growth until the middle of the 19th before being disfigured during the communist period. Visit the remains of the princely palace of the Old Ruling Court (Curtea Veche), the oldest monument in Bucharest. Then, visit to the Palace of Parliament, second largest building in the world built under Ceausescu’s command. Visit the History Museum to retrace the image of the prince between legend and reality. An entire room is dedicated to him. To finish, route to Snagov, near Bucharest. There, in the middle of a lake, is the monastery where Dracula was buried in 1476. In 1930, archaeological searches have only found some horse bones. Where is its body? It means that Dracula has never found his peace…Transfer to Otopeni airport.

  • land transport on bus or minibus according to the number of tourists;
  • english speaking guide at your disposal for the entire trip;
  • accommodation 7 nights at charming 3* hotels;
  • half-boards (traditional dinners/thematic without drinks);
  • entrances to museums and touristic sites mentioned in the program.
  • air fare;
  • other meals;
  • personal expenses and tips;
  • photo taxes on certain touristic sites.




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